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A crucial challenge for all types of companies and organizations, data is still too often under-exploited. In fact, many structures are faced with a major problem: how to make sense out of the raw data and make them understandable to everyone? It is to meet this...

You have heard of Business Intelligence (BI), but the concept is still unclear to you? Are you looking for its concrete benefits on your company? You have come to the right place: here's everything you need to know to get started in the world of BI. Business...

We are currently witnessing a real change in usage in the software world. In fact, the purchase of a perpetual licence is gradually giving way to a rental model by subscription, including in Business Intelligence and dashboard software. To acquire a Business Intelligence solution, companies have...

You are entering the Business Intelligence world and you do not know where to start? DO not panic, our guide will help you assimilate the BI base vocabulary. Business Intelligence, dashboards, reporting… it has already been a long time since we started discussing these terms. Each...

In order to sustain your business, it is essential to permanently control your company's performance at both financial and commercial levels. But how can you effectively monitor the health of your organization? Find the answer in this article. Determine and track your financial indicators To optimize company's...

Although data is becoming increasingly important in the business world, many organizations are still missing out on this opportunity… and for good reason: they are not using the data they have (or using it correctly). A pitfall that is most often explained by a lack of...

Dashboards are essential tools for analyzing an organization's KPIs and helping it make informed strategic decisions on a daily basis. However, creating dashboards is not something you can improvise: you need to design and use them correctly to exploit their full potential. Here is everything you...

DigDash will offer new functionalities in 2021 to improve the ergonomics and design of its software.  On the agenda: New functions and dashboard home page templates. A more efficient and ergonomic web studio. More esthetically pleasing and customizable graphics. New plug-in features. Export documents in newsletter...

At a time when the economic environment and institutional changes are having a direct impact on local governments, DigDash, the Business Intelligence software company, offers a simple and scalable solution to address the management issues facing local governments. Discover all that BI can offer the public...

Big Data is the new El Dorado for companies in the 21st century, and data management is becoming a key concern for many organizations involved in large-scale projects. But how do you process and analyze several tons of data? At a glance, how can you make...

As the healthcare industry faces unprecedented challenges, business intelligence is becoming increasingly important, not only for data management, but also for building reliable dashboards and indicators. But the specific nature of the health field entails extremely high standards, particularly in terms of performance and safety. The...

As part of the BI Survey 20, DigDash Enterprise software was honored in more than 20 categories, including flexibility, value for money and performance.  DigDash solutions are acclaimed by our customers: 100% of those surveyed recommend DigDash and 94% of them value its dashboard creation features. These...

As Business Intelligence develops at high speed, data processing and visualization are becoming major concerns for software companies. But integrating this functionality into an existing application can be a real challenge, especially from a technical point of view. Faced with this problem, the onboard data analysis...

Data management is one of the greatest challenges facing businesses today. Many people find data-related tasks daunting, since data are time-consuming to collect, difficult to process, and even more difficult to exploit. Yet data management brings many benefits to organizations that know how to take...

Over recent years, Business Intelligence has become a major theme for many companies, and the banking sector is no exception.  BI promises to make organizations more agile and responsive, enabling them to seize opportunities and innovate in a strong competitive environment. It also promises to enable...

2021, the big changes in BI While the benefits of BI in terms of decision support are well established, the field remains in constant evolution. Driven by the health crisis to reinvent itself to better support weakened companies, BI announces major changes in 2021. Far beyond a...

Tout savoir sur les bénéfices de cet hébergement cloud sécurisé conçu pour héberger des données de santé. DigDash expands its Cloud BI offer in late 2020! Already available as a shared or dedicated infrastructure, DigDash Entreprise now offers HDS-certified cloud hosting. Long committed to ensuring a secure,...

As the end of the year fast approaches, DigDash continues to move forward, developing new features designed to simplify the lives of its users. On the agenda: A brand-new dashboard creation wizard which is simpler and more intuitive. The integration of Google Maps-style maps for graphic...

As new uses are developed and the cost of sensors decreases, more and more internet-connected objects are being used and sold by companies. Between the improvement of processes and the creation of innovative services, the Internet of Things is revolutionizing many fields of activity. But "connected...

Simplicity is at the heart of our DNA. This is why DigDash, in its desire to be accessible to all, has become the first French analytics and data visualization company to switch to full web mode for all its users. The studio section of our solution,...

Companies are increasingly using data for the needs of their business. But data processing requires very specific tools to extract relevant information and facilitate its sharing within the organization. It is precisely to respond to this problem that Business Intelligence has emerged. However, BI solutions have...

The use of data within the supply chain is a common topic today. Faced with ever-increasing, demanding and unpredictable demand, logistics is often put to the test. Recent events illustrate this perfectly; the COVID-19 crisis and quarantine measures have caused online sales to skyrocket sharply. This...

Easy access to reliable and up-to-date data for effective communication and decision-making are major challenges, and it has been highlighted now more than ever by the context of this current crisis. We have therefore decided to use our expertise in data analysis and visualization to aid...

During this quarantine, DigDash keeps working at full capacity. We have set up all the necessary tools and communication systems to continue our activity and to offer you, as every year, our new software. In its 2020 version, DigDash Enterprise integrates a large number of new functionalities...

The 2019 version of the BI Survey just came out! Conducted by the Business Application Research Center (BARC), this is the world's most comprehensive survey on Analytics and Business Intelligence, compiling the opinions of more than 3,000 people surveyed between March and June 2019 about their...

Do you hold a weekly meeting to review your performance indicators? Besides, do you have little time to plan it? You want to get your colleagues on board and you would like to present both clear and attractive data, but you don't know where to start. The...

With its focus on ergonomics, the update of the 2019 version of DigDash Enterprise is looking to modernize. Beyond the new features, it has made browsing through the tool far easier. More agile, it is intended to greatly enhance the user experience. These time-saving developments apply as much...

Data-based marketing, or data-driven marketing, is based on indicators that reflect the performance of each type of action. These are referred to as KPI, or key performance indicators, and are best presented in a way that is understandable at a glance. Choosing the right graphical...

With the advent of digitalization, the retail sector has undergone major transformations in recent years. This phenomenon is synonymous with new opportunities, but also new challenges for companies in the sector. In particular, data has become a major issue. In order to take advantage of...

Business Intelligence (BI) includes tools and methods for transmitting information relevant to business managers to help them understand their environment and support them in their strategic decisions. Your needs as a business leader are therefore at the heart of effective business intelligence, able to exploit the...

Strategic management is an essential condition for good governance. Never hesitate to go back on a bad decision and change course! Knowing how to bounce back in time and adapt your marketing approach according to the context are the intrinsic qualities of a good leader,...

In this new 2019 edition, DigDash Enterprise includes forty new features. The main developments concern the creative studio and graphics! The data model and dashboards are not left out. In the spirit of continuous improvement, the design and development teams strive to anticipate your needs so...

Last 11th and 12th of March, was held one of the largest French event dedicated to Big Data: “Big Data Paris”. As every year, we took part among 250 exhibitors and 16500 visitors. Retailers, industrialists, public and banking sector players, IT directors and business experts ...

When it concerns tracking and managing data, Excel is most often the only reporting option chosen by a large number of companies. However, it isn’t very practical and can be difficult to use as it requires some profound knowledge of the software. You are used to...

In a world where data analysis and company management are in constant evolution, it is difficult to avoid terms such as “business intelligence” and “big data”. It is indispensable to understand the difference between the two to better grasp the value they can add to your...

Dashboards have proven to be essential when analyzing a company’s KPIs and deducting the actions to pursue. They have to be used appropriately to be truly performant. To use them correctly, the step of creating them cannot be taken lightly - risking to make mistakes...

In order to improve and to sustain your company’s activity, it is essential to permanently evaluate its financial and commercial health. Therefore, it is fundamental to select the appropriate Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to identify, so that the financial service can detect the strengths to...

To evaluate your company's health, the financial factor is the one you will most often assess. It is essential, but there are other factors that you should pay attention to. Following are a few questions you should ask yourself in order to develop and maintain...

The BI Survey is THE largest survey of companies using Business Intelligence software. With regard to the 2017 edition (conducted on 3066 companies), the results indicate that the agile dashboard software DigDash Enterprise ranks first in terms of "Competitiveness" and "Project duration". This year, the study compares...

You are entering the Business Intelligence world and you do not know where to start? DO not panic, our guide will help you assimilate the BI base vocabulary. Business Intelligence, dashboards, reporting… it has already been a long time since we started discussing these terms. Each...

Here is a graphic representation that will help you understand what predictive analytics is and the value it can bring to your company. As usual, we will initiate our article with a simple example that allows us to define predictive analytics. Let’s use a chain of retail...

The parallel between the Babolat connected racket and business performance Passionate about tennis and a true competitor, I recently had the opportunity to test the 2014 novelty, the French Babolat Play & Connect racket. This racket is equipped with light sensors. Neither the weight or the balance...