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In 2024, DigDash continues to expand its feature base in order to offer an even more efficient, agile, and user-friendly solution. What's new in this version: Mobile-friendly dashboards for smoother, more ergonomic view of data on mobile devices Enriching data with open data set to extend...

At a time when Business Intelligence solutions are playing an increasingly important role for companies, keeping on top of the major trends shaping the BI landscape is becoming a true strategic necessity. The year 2024 will be marked by unprecedented transformations that will affect all areas...

Reporting tables have become indispensable tools for businesses, particularly as they increasingly rely on data exploitation to enhance daily performance. So, how does one go about creating an effective management dashboard? Let's dive in! Definition of a Management Dashboard: A dashboard is a management and decision-making tool...

In the era of Big Data, data visualization tools are essential for unlocking the potential of data and conveying messages effectively. However, choosing the most appropriate charts depends on your objectives and the message you want to convey. The main types of charts for data visualization A...

The rise of Big Data and the digital transformation of businesses have brought about new challenges in data management. Indeed, before representing data on a dashboard, it is essential to ensure their quality and reliability. This is where data preparation comes in, involving the cleaning...

More and more companies are seeking to use their data to improve day-to-day performance. However, a number of best practices need to be followed to design truly relevant reports. What is reporting? Reporting is an account that provides an overview of the activity of an organization or...

Indispensable for analyzing performance and making informed decisions, the sales dashboard is a real must-have for your company. But how do you build a relevant dashboard that really meets your strategic challenges? To find out, let's discover a selection of examples of successful sales dashboards. What...

In 2023, DigDash continues to enhance its functionalities to provide you with an even more powerful Business Intelligence solution, while simplifying the use of your data. This new version includes Refreshing of flows with the data model for simplified programming An automatically-generated graph for displaying data...

Many companies have made the same observation: data is an indigestible resource, difficult for non-specialists to decode and understand. This is where data storytelling and data visualization come in, with the aim of transforming raw data into an attractive, comprehensible story. What is data storytelling? Telling a...

What if you could easily integrate data analysis functions into software, web applications or customer portals? That's the whole point of embedded analytics, which allows users to explore and analyse data without leaving their usual digital environment. But how can you be sure you're choosing a reliable...

Reporting tools are extremely useful for the day-to-day management of your business, and have become an essential ally for companies seeking to improve their performance. But with a multitude of players vying for a share of the market, how can you be sure you're making...

In terms of company management, reporting and dashboarding are essential tools for any organisation wishing to improve its daily performance. However, they are sometimes confused, and their respective roles are not always well understood… In order to see things more clearly, let's take stock of...

Supply management is crucial to the day-to-day running of a business. However, many companies still rely on unsuitable tools that quickly show their limitations. In this context, Business Intelligence is an excellent alternative to Excel for inventory management. Stock and supply management: what is it? Inventory management...

Automation, artificial intelligence, IoT. New technologies are increasingly present in the supply chain. Far from being just a fad, this digital transformation of the supply chain is disrupting companies' logistics processes. Why digitise the supply chain? According to PwC, 87% of supply chain managers are convinced that...

Supply chain management is a key element for the success and development of a company. However, it involves a multitude of time-consuming processes that mobilise many employees. Improving these processes and at the same time reducing costs is what supply chain optimization is all about. The...

Businesses now have access to extensive data on the identity, behaviour, or preferences of their customers. Therefore, BI, It's becoming increasingly important to exploit this data to improve marketing and sales performance. Implement a data-driven marketing strategy Data-driven marketing refers to a strategy in which every decision...

Essential to understand customer needs and anticipate market trends, customer knowledge has become a major challenge for companies, and more particularly for the marketing department. In order to exploit the potential of this precious information, data exploration has become an essential tool. What is data exploration? Data...

The interest in Business Intelligence for the business and marketing departments is well-established. BI allows you to take a company's strategic foresight approach even further thanks to marketing intelligence. What is marketing intelligence? Nowadays, companies have a large volume of data that they can use to facilitate...

Businesses now have access to extensive data on the identity, behaviour or preferences of their customers. However, such data still needs to be collected, processed and analysed in order to implement relevant measures. This is what a data-driven marketing strategy is all about: Effectively managing...

Year after year, DigDash Enterprise continues to expand in order to provide you with increasingly advanced features adapted to your needs. 2022 is no exception and looks particularly promising regarding new features! On the agenda: A revised and corrected document factory with the possibility to...

While new challenges are constantly emerging, the finance department is reinventing itself to meet the challenges of tomorrow. With technological revolutions, organizational changes and human progress, CFOs must be able to rely on efficient tools. Business Intelligence is thus becoming an essential solution to face...

Not sure where to start when choosing a BI solution adapted to your needs? To find the perfect solution, the best method consists in writing your Business Intelligence project specifications. Find out how to proceed step by step and what criteria you need to consider. Are...

As the human resources department is at the forefront of the company's digital transformation, the exploitation of HR data has become a major concern. In this context, Business Intelligence is becoming an essential solution to improve human capital management. Harnessing the Full Potential of HR Data The...

The benefits of Business Intelligence as regards the HR department have been proven. However, HR dashboards and report templates cannot be compiled overnight. Indeed, a BI project requires meticulous preparation, but it also requires that an effective HRIS (Human Resources Information System) be chosen. Here...

As HR departments are playing an increasingly strategic role alongside general management teams, it is now becoming essential for companies to use a Human Resources Information System (HRIS) based on Business Intelligence. This is because companies can no longer do without accurate data management, supported...

What are HR analytics? HR analytics can be defined as a decision support tool that identifies and measures the impact of human resources on a company's operating results. In other words, HR analytics are not only useful when it comes to calculating KPIs related to human capital...

Long reserved for other company departments, such as the finance department, Business Intelligence (BI) is now an indispensable tool for the human resources department.  By centralizing and making its data more reliable, as well as automating certain processes, the HR department can meet the many challenges...

Business Intelligence has become an indispensable tool for the human resources department. From the implementation of management dashboards to reporting, all HR data can now be processed and used with a human resources information system (HRIS). What is a human resources information system? A human resources information...

Data governance has become a major issue for companies, which are concerned about fully exploiting their data while also fulfilling various quality and compliance criteria. But what does data governance entail? How do you implement a data governance strategy? This is what we invite you...

More than ever, the finance department must be able to rely on the appropriate tools to monitor performance, generate reliable KPIs and carry out comprehensive reporting. To address these issues, it is essential to integrate a Business Intelligence tool. Business Intelligence: a valuable asset for the...

BI: an invaluable tool for data consolidation and business reporting Reconciling data used for statutory consolidation and financial reporting is now a major challenge for companies. Meanwhile, this data is often derived from multiple sources and comes with a wide variety of analysis and management methods....

Digital transformation concerns all the areas of a company, including management control. Faced with a growing volume of data, an accumulation of reports and many other challenges, the business must respond to important modernization and optimization needs. In this context, it is key to link Business Intelligence...

Business Intelligence has profoundly transformed the way companies collect, process and analyse their data. From sales to human resources, logistics and management control, BI offers a multitude of applications to increase overall company performance and decision-making. It is also a great asset for chief financial officers...

DigDash is featured in the BI & Analytics Survey 2022 For several years now, the BI & Analytics Survey has been the only real reference point for Business Intelligence. In the 2022 edition of the BARC survey, no less than 30 leading BI software products were...

To end 2021 on a high note, DigDash is adding new features and offering you a tool that is increasingly adapted to your needs.  Main new features to remember: The end of the desktop studio in favor of a 100% web studio, with a simplified interface...

As the supply chain is facing ever-growing demand, many companies are adopting Business Intelligence (BI) to improve their supply chain management and make more informed decisions. But what are the real benefits of BI for the supply chain? You will find out in this article. Centralized and...

With the current digitalization of retail, data management has become a priority for companies in the sector. However, many of these companies struggle to properly manage the vast amounts of data they collect on their customers, products, and stores on a daily basis. To exploit...

A crucial challenge for all types of companies and organizations, data is still too often under-exploited. In fact, many structures are faced with a major problem: how to make sense out of the raw data and make them understandable to everyone? It is to meet this...

You have heard of Business Intelligence (BI), but the concept is still unclear to you? Are you looking for its concrete benefits on your company? You have come to the right place: here's everything you need to know to get started in the world of BI. Business...

We are currently witnessing a real change in usage in the software world. In fact, the purchase of a perpetual licence is gradually giving way to a rental model by subscription, including in Business Intelligence and dashboard software. To acquire a Business Intelligence solution, companies have...

You are entering the Business Intelligence world and you do not know where to start? DO not panic, our guide will help you assimilate the BI base vocabulary. Business Intelligence, dashboards, reporting… it has already been a long time since we started discussing these terms. Each...